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Find out more about membership in Introverted Moms by clicking here – our summer program begins Thursday, May 26th!
Video Highlights:
02:50 – Would you start by giving us a quick overview to you, your work, your family?
05:55 – Can you talk about how you prioritized time to stay refuel as an introvert while in the trenches as a mother, wife, and home educator? (Dr. to Sally: “You can die early if you want to…” #wakeupcall)
11:32 – How would you describe the “wonder-filled” philosophy of education that you used with your kids?
14:58 – What were the goals of this educational philosophy? (“How do you motivate a child?”)
24:10 – Were there times when prioritizing awaking wonder in learning actually made life more challenging? (“You will be amazed that your children will grow beyond what you thought you did for them…”)
30:50 – What would be your encouragement for any mamas going through a season of depression or anxiety? (“It’s normal to react to darkness with darkness…”)
37:18 – What advice do you have for those of us nearing the finish line of our homeschooling/parenting journeys?
43:50 – Where can we journey more deeply with you?